
new calendar needed

the holiday season is officially over, or it will be very, very soon.  i am happy about this.  as much as i was cringing about it's arrival, the anticipation of crabby customers, living in my own misery, etc. it really was not as painful as originally thought to be.  as much as i loathe myself for saying this, i will, it was a very pleasant holiday season...

looking forward to my newfound autonomy and sanity.  with that sanity, i must offer a hearty "thank you" to my family and especially to my friends who have been so supportive over this sometimes quite miserable year.

happy to be getting a new calendar...time to fill in the days!

subconjunctival hemorrhage

or at least that's what it feels like.

for some peculiar reason, i've been drawn to an ecclectic tv channel titled "this eugene," channel 13.2 in digital land.

here's the lineup for the day, or at least for what i caught. the last movie employed great acting talent as that of jim varney and traci lords...what a pair.

9:00am  "the little girl who lives down the lane"
11:00am "the babysitter"
1:00pm "kill me again"

dive into the darkside, click the links and tell me why?



i can feel it...happiness, no, contentment just around the corner.

no pressure.

doing whatever the hell i want, and it feels good.


is this how it feels to be adult?

Beautiful Losers film trailer from beautifullosersfilm on Vimeo.