
ferret anyone?

it's love...that is what is causing the anxiety. no, this is not entirely true. not love itself but the frenzy of falling in love, and with someone who lives a jaunt away.

please do not get me wrong, i am happy, very happy. in fact i do not remember the last time i have been so sickeningly ecstatic, much to the chagrin of my poor friends and co-workers.

however, it cannot be helped.


xanax anyone?

Pronunciation: \aŋ-ˈzī-ə-tē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural anx·i·eties
Etymology: Latin anxietas, from anxius
Date: circa 1525
1 a : painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind usually over an impending or anticipated ill b : fearful concern or interest c : a cause of anxiety
2 : an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physiological signs (as sweating, tension, and increased pulse), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one's capacity to cope with it

not quite sure what's going on with me as of late. not sleeping through the night, and for most of my life i have suspected that i may be a narcoleptic. do you know anyone who has "assed" out watching "the rocky horror picture show" in the first row of a theater? if you do let me know their name so i can babble to them about it.

could it be that i've been wearing the patch to sleep for the last week? no, i've encountered this lack of sleep even before my decision to delve into the land of the "healthy." in fact, the memory of a fully restful night of sleep is waning to nonexistence.

addled, anxiety, restlessness...enough descriptors for now. i am not at peace and i really should be. feeling as though i need to hunker down in my apartment and have some "me" time. close off from the world for a good week. compose myself.

don't get me wrong, i am happy. life is moving along swimmingly for me, and this may be the culprit: being completely preoccupied with another person. as often as i try to get her out of my head, i cannot. not entirely a dreadful thing but frustrating. the distance which separates us. maybe that's it.

no, i know what it is...


"happy birthday dear jesus"

here i am watching this upbeat movie and wanting to smoke. but, i can't. well, i can and have, but i shouldn't. not advisable to smoke whilst wearing the transdermal nicotine patch. cronies, whom have attempted this, have cautioned against this.

also, this probably is not the best movie to be viewing at this time...


lobes and friends

hmmm...this life is a roller coaster, a merry-go-round, "insert favorite carnival ride here."

friends coming out of the woodwork as of late. this is valuable.

ruminating over my newly augmented lobes which are bellowing for me to remove the cold, hard, exponentially larger metal. usually one is not aware of their lobes, are they? i am not, until i plunge hefty pieces of glass jewelry, 1mm larger at a time, into the healed lobes. however, this jump, and let me tell you, was/is painful. my stretching compatriots advised me of this.

2mm extra for a jump? shouldn't be too disagreeable...it's only 2mm.


yeah, really.